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/ MacWorld 1997 November / Macworld (1997-11).dmg / Games World / Shareware Games / Arcade / Bob 1.2.1 / Bob vs The Aliens / Bob vs The Aliens.rsrc

Jump To: Image (145)  |  Audio (9)  |  Document (5)  |  Text (17)  |  Other (3)

Images (145)

Audio & Music (9)
snd_10375_Cool.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.06s 23KB 1997-08-22
snd_11388_Transport.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 55KB 1997-08-22
snd_17907_Vaporize.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 5KB 1997-08-22
snd_19923_Cheatoff.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 84KB 1997-08-22
snd_23445_Shot.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 14KB 1997-08-22
snd_25629_Boing.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 9KB 1997-08-22
snd_32432_Boom.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 13KB 1997-08-22
snd_8877_Hit.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 6KB 1997-08-22
snd_9572_Cheat.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 65KB 1997-08-22

Document (5)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
styl_128.rtf Rich Text Format 3 4KB 1997-08-22
styl_129.rtf Rich Text Format 1 658b 1997-08-22
styl_130.rtf Rich Text Format 1 462b 1997-08-22
styl_131.rtf Rich Text Format 1 674b 1997-08-22
styl_132.rtf Rich Text Format 1 999b 1997-08-22

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALRT.txt Text File 206 4KB 1997-08-22
BNDL.txt Text File 30 522b 1997-08-22
DITL.txt Text File 400 8KB 1997-08-22
DLOG.txt Text File 41 700b 1997-08-22
FREF.txt Text File 26 350b 1997-08-22
MBAR_127.txt Text File 3 60b 1997-08-22
MENU.txt Text File 69 1KB 1997-08-22
SIZE_-1.txt Text File 16 449b 1997-08-22
SIZE_0.txt Text File 16 449b 1997-08-22
SIZE_1.txt Text File 16 449b 1997-08-22
STR#_195.txt Text File 53 356b 1997-08-22
TEXT_128.txt Text File 54 2KB 1997-08-22
TEXT_129.txt Text File 5 436b 1997-08-22
TEXT_130.txt Text File 3 253b 1997-08-22
TEXT_131.txt Text File 4 445b 1997-08-22
TEXT_132.txt Text File 8 636b 1997-08-22
vers_1.txt Text File 8 276b 1997-08-22

Other Files (3)
aBOB_0_Owner resource All Null Bytes 1b 1997-08-22
ANDY_1_Gariepy Unknown 192b 1997-08-22
SCOT_1_Terry Unknown 2KB 1997-08-22